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About Me

Hello! My name is 宋子伟 (SONG ZIWEI). Gets master degree from Hangzhou Dianzi University. Now is a PhD student in Yamanashi University. I'm committed to smart agriculture research.

My research interests include :
         Smart agriculture,    Deep learning,    Computer Vision.    Image classification
I like playing table tennis and traveling


  2015/09   北华大学  (Beihua University, Jilin Province, China)
  2019/09   杭州电子科技大学  (Hangzhou Dianzi University, Zhejiang Province, China)
  2022/09   University of Yamanashi, Japan


[1] Z. Song, Y. Kinoshita, K. Go and G. Jia, "Touch Point Prediction for Interactive Public Displays Based on Camera Images," 2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), Caen, France, 2021, pp. 133-136, doi: 10.1109/CW52790.2021.00029.

[2] Song, Z., Cai, X., Zhang, X., Zong, J., & Jia, G. (2022). Time-based Calibration: A Way to Ensure that Stitched Images are Captured Simultaneously. Journal of Internet Technology, 23(6), 1441-1448.

[3] Y. Huang, M. Zheng, S. Mei, Z. Wang, Z. Song and G. Jia, "Optimal region gradated fusion based automatic image stitching for industrial systems," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Shanghai, China, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICIT48603.2022.10002766.

Contact Me

You can reach out to me at Feel free to connect with me on social media: