Visual Attention Prediction


Based on the mechanism of human visual attention, it is estimated how easily each pixel of an image can focus attention, and the quantitative representation is called a saliency map. The saliency map is used in image recognition, object detection, robot vision, advertisement design, etc., and is attracting attention in various fields. As a typical existing method, in the model of Itti et al., high saliency is assigned to the area which is largely different from the surrounding area by finding the peripheral difference of the visual feature quantity with multiple resolutions in color, brightness and direction. On the other hand, a structure in which a line converges to a certain point in an image as shown in the figure is called “leading line”, and it is known as a research result of cognitive psychology that a person’s gaze is drawn unconsciously to such a structure. In this study, we aim to predict human gaze more accurately by constructing a calculation model of saliency map prediction considering the guidance effect of gaze by leading line.


  1. Issei Mochizuki, Masahiro Toyoura, Xiaoyang Mao, “Visual Attention Prediction for Images with Leading Line Structure,” The Visual Computer (Proc. CGI), Vol.34, No.6-8, pp.1031-1041, 2018-6.
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