The Japan Times and several other newspapers reported our smart agriculture project

The Japan Times, November 8, 2021

“A research team in the faulty of engineering at the University of Yamanashi, headed by professor Xiaoyang, developed a device that can perform so-called berry thinning in which clusters of grapes are removed to allow space for those that remain to grow larger”

Nishinippon Shimbun (西日本新聞), November 18, 2021

Hokkaido Shimbun (北海道新聞), November 18, 2021

The Japan Agriculture News, September 17, 2021

National Agricultural News, September 17, 2021

It is difficult for beginners to thin a grapes as well as skilled farmers because of the experience and training are required. The development of “smart glasses” that transform beginners into skilled farmers is progressing.

National Agricultural News, September 11, 2021


Smart agriculture project’s full paper was accepted for the 2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2021)

Smart agriculture project’s full paper was accepted for the 2021 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2021)

TITLE: End-to-End Inflorescence Measurement for Supporting Table Grape Trimming with Augmented Reality
AUTHORS: Prawit Buayai, Kabin Yok-In, Daisuke Inoue, Chee Siang Leow, Hiromitsu Nishizaki, Koji Makino and Xiaoyang Mao

Accepted for The Computer Vision 2021

2021年5月9日にThe Computer Vision 2021にて”Enhancing Edge Indicator for Visual Field Loss Compensation for Homonymous Hemianopia Patients Using Edge Indicator”が採択されました。

Keisuke ICHINOSE, Xi ZHAO, Issei FUJISHIRO, Masahiro TOYOURA, Kenji KASHIWAGI, Kentaro GO, Xiaoyang MAO, “Enhancing Edge Indicator for Visual Field Loss Compensation for Homonymous Hemianopia Patients Using Edge Indicator”, The Computer Vision, First online 2021-05-09. (DOI 10.1007/s00371-021-02156-9)