BerryScope Paper Accepted into IEEE ISMAR-Adjunct 2023: Enhancing Strawberry Picking with AR Technology

We are thrilled to announce that our paper titled “BerryScope: AR Strawberry Picking Aid” has been accepted into the prestigious 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct). Authored by Shun Tamura, Prawit Buayai, and Xiaoyang Mao, this research highlights our groundbreaking work in leveraging augmented reality technology to enhance strawberry harvesting.

Accepted on August 8, 2023, this achievement underscores our commitment to advancing the applications of augmented reality in the agricultural sector. Through the use of advanced computer vision techniques and augmented reality technologies, our team has developed an innovative solution to improve the efficiency and accuracy of strawberry picking.

ISMAR23 Conference URL

Shota Chiba receives Honorable Mention Award at NICOINT 2023

Shota Chiba, Zhenyang Zhu, Daisuke Inoue, Xiaoyang Mao, “Deep Learning and Augmented-Reality Glasses based Meat Cooking Support for Color Vision Disorder Compensation,” in the Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International 2023, Article L7, 2023-6. 【Detail

11 students graduated from Maolab on March 23th 2023

TAKAHASHI Ryo (B4), KOBAYASHI Taketo (M2), TAMURA Shun (B4), ISOBE Daisuke (B4), MORITAKE Katsuhito (M2)
INOUE Daisuke (M2), DOHI Ayuna (B4), MAO Xiaoyang (Professor), BUAYAI Prawit (Assistant Professor), WOO Yan San (M2)

To appear: SHANMUGANATHAN Meerahshvin (M2), FUJISAWA Shunsuke (B4)

Ligeng Chen and Naohiko Ishikawa gave oral presentation at VC+VCC2022

Ligeng Chen, Zhenyang Zhu, Kentaro Go, Wangkang Huang, Xiaoyang Mao, “Swin Transformerを利用した色覚障がい支援用色変換手法”, Visual Computing シンポジウム, Article 41, 2022-10.

石川 直彦, 朱 臻陽, 茅 暁陽, “知覚サイズを反映した写真生成のための画像自動部分拡大方法”, Visual Computing シンポジウム, Article 42, 2022-10.


戦略的スマート農業技術等の開発・改良事業「AI 駆動型栽培体系:人間とロボットの協働によるシャインマスカット栽培の高効率・高品質化」のキックオフミーティングを開催!

令和4年7月6日(水)、甲府キャンパスにおいて、戦略的スマート農業技術等の開発・改良事業「AI 駆動型栽培体系:人間とロボットの協働によるシャインマスカット栽培の高効率・高品質化」のキックオフミーティングを開催しました。[詳細]